Patchwork Peter

Welcome to Patchwork Peter's Re-Animation Studio.

This is the Garden in the Graveyard where I host my friends.

It's our thinktank, our studio and gallery space, and our wall on which to scrawl obscenities. Above all else, it is our safe space to take a breath and share our work with each other and the world in an atmosphere that believes meaningful change is ALWAYS possible where accountability, dedication, and willingness to "do the work" can be assumed. My friends and I are a little wyrd, a little wacky, maybe even a trifle alarming, perhaps, if you believe that what you wear should hurt your chances; but in the end you'll be so glad I invited you into this magical place and that you consented to visit us here in our alternative reality.

We are makers of things, dreamers of dreams, rigorous thinkers, and doers of impossible deeds (with realistic action steps). Our collective is always looking for our next new favorite collaborators. If you dig our groove and think yours fits the vibe, point it out to us! We cite our sources, credit our influences, and pay our labor. If you see yourself in something we did (or want to), let us know!